Thursday, November 20, 2008

Family Fun

We had a fun night of guitar hero, dance dance revolution, and hot tubbin. We lucked out with such a fun family!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Date Night!

If you were trying to get a hold of my mom or dad last night, you probably couldn't. They are so cute and decided to have a date night! They spent LOTS & LOTS of money on their date! Inspiration for their date started about 2 weeks ago when they were going to the gym early one morning. A cop decided to pull them over and gave my dad a ticket. The next morning, my mom was on her way to work, and the same cop, same place, & same speed, decided to pull my mom over and give her a ticket. A few days later, in the same spot, my mom got another ticket! String of bad luck don't ya think! Then about 5 days later, my dad got pulled over. My dad plead his case to the officer for about 10 minutes and he finally felt bad for my dad and let him off with a warning. So with 3 tickets and 1 warning, my mom and dad had a date night at traffic school! We're so proud of you mom and dad and we're glad you still take time to go on dates! :)