Just so we're all aware... my parents have no clue how to blog! So, as a good daughter, I am doing it for them. My mom was tagged by her friend, and I am answering them from my perspective!
A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player answers the questions about themselves
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names and then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know that hey have been tagged and that they should read your blog.
10 years ago... My mom was busy juggling work and 3 daughters and a husband. She had 2 girls who were in the akward age of junior high and trying to help them figure out boys, school, the world, etc. She had 1 daughter who just graduated and was begining college. That in itself was a handful! My dad was starting the fun of being in bishoprics and always busy with church callings and work.
5 Things on my to do list today... Go to work, Cycling class, probably something for church, call each of her kids, probably more work at home!
Snacks that I enjoy... Chocolate, Diet Coke, Chocolate, Diet Coke, Mexican food
What I would do if I were suddenly a billionaire... She would probably quit her job and then spoil her family like crazy! She'd give us each a few million and set up college funds for all her grandchildren!!... Just dreaming! My mom is good at helping her kids but also making them work for their money! She really would probably travel with my dad and hopefully take her whole family along on a few trips!
3 of my bad habits... My mom is perfect!
5 places I have lived... Provo, Norway, American Fork, Highland, and Highland again.
5 jobs that I have had... a mom, secretary for the Superintendent, and that's all I've ever known of my mom! But, she works REALLY hard!
5 things people don't know about me... 1) She is crazy busy trying to balance work, being my dads personal secretary for work and church, and being the greatest mom and grandma ever! 2) She used to eat pretzels and diet coke on a daily basis. 3) She is constantly doing some form of exercise... growing up it was so annoying to try and watch a movie with your mom doing jumping jacks right by you. She can't just sit still. 4) She can't handle any violence at all... she closes her eyes through a lot of movies. She had to sit with her back to the t.v. when we watched Cinderella Man. 5) She went on a date with my dads twin before going out with my dad! We are sure glad she clicked with my dad better!
TAG... Sonja, Desi, Becky, whoever else wants to!